Wild Hearts at Work

Wild-Hearted Play at Work: Gary Ware of Breakthrough Play

Melissa Boggs Season 1 Episode 16

The first thing you notice about Gary is his kind smile. The second thing you notice is the hidden Mickey on the wall behind him. It's not hard to see why companies across the world trust him to bring play into their organizations. Gary Ware is the founder of Breakthrough Play, a Strategic Play Consultant, and a TedX Speaker.

In this episode, we talk about the magic that play can unlock for individuals and teams, the risks of play, and creating an environment where it is okay to fail. Combining his background in Marketing and Improv, Gary is an impressive individual who makes you want to drop everything and just be a kid for a few minutes. When was the last time that you just ... played?

Becoming Better Grownups, Brad Montague

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